Wednesday, August 27, 2008

5 greediest consumer softwares to avoid

Here is my compilation.Feel free to suggest more.There are some wonderful open source and slick alternatives like KLite Codec, VLC, Firefox etc. to these greedy ones.

  • Real Player (Please let me know if you could find any greedier software than this)
  • Adobe Reader (Someday the size will reach 100MB)
  • iTunes (Minimum update size is 50MB and Quicktime, Safari bundling)
  • DivX (Unwanted desktop icons and trial softwares annoyance)
  • Internet Explorer (We all know how good it is)
Bootnote: Add Antivirus softwares to this list.


complexvanilla said...

I bumped into your blog when looking for ways to fix a screwed up xorg.conf on my Deb box. I think you are too harsh about antivirus solutions. I run both avast and clamav on Linux, and both are lifesavers.

Now before you think I must be nuts to be running antiviruses on linux, lemme tell you that I have them so that I can mount my Windows drives and scan them! Always better than running an antivirus on a virus infected machine!


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Philfff said...

Agree totally with you but I will add a sixth : recuva (if you loose definitively your files...)

Unknown said...

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SkS said...

Nice piece of work